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Winds of Change!

Artist in School Residency at Calgary Changemaker School

A Reflection

On Day One, strong Alberta winds swirled around me! The ancient mountain backdrop filled my soul. Looking very much like the Michelin man, I set up under an inviting tarp and smiled. The fire pit was the same one I have at home. Sturdy stumps provided ample space for students to gather and then…..ACTION!

I am happiest when I am moving. Ask anybody who knows me. No wonder I love working with kids!

We began our trek with tons of laughter inspecting our hoops. I shared an old Aesop tale “The Wind and the Sun” with the Ks and Division One using full body expression with my personal interpretation, of course. Blustery winds need friends too! I should know, I am all about energy!

In Division Two we played ridiculous games of conflict that had absolutely no solution. Laughter resounded! Why do we fight anyway? Gale force winds picked up our spirits as colourful cloths filled the sky. Time flew by! Ha, ha, ha!

(For those who have no idea what the Michelin man looks like. Look to your right!)

Tomorrow we will talk about wolf packs, play tag games where everybody loses with great joy and

toss balls on blankets

for cooperative opportunities.

Thanks Calgary Changemaker School!

What an inviting community!


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