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Looking for Love in Action!

“Love is a verb.”

I was told that years ago.

So, where is it?

Don’t underestimate the question. A verb insinuates taking action.

I was witness to it this week.

At the Ironwood on Sunday brave new/seasoned artists shared original work under the auspices of “Calgary Songsmiths”. It’s an independent group of songwriters. Brian Volke cut through a sleepy afternoon with riffs and vocals that demanded our attention. I woke up to the fate of a sailor’s plight in “Captain my Captain”. The connection was immediate. The crowd burst into applause. The young man beside me commiserated. He loved this group. Everyone was welcomed. Imagine that. I stayed for the whole afternoon. These people were onto something….oh yeah, they were taking action. And I was feeling the love!

In a few hours I found myself at Loose Moose Theatre attending a variety show honouring my longtime friend, Rick Hilton. It was a fundraiser to help him through chemo treatments that started this week. Kirk Miles reached souls with humour weaving words that cradled us in his sacred moment. A stand up comedian brought healing laughter. Chair balancing street performer Bob Palmer lightened Rick’s load and Dan the one-man-band claimed joy with mastery. A multi-talented improviser and musician Chase Padgett ended the evening under stark light with a Stevie Ray Vaughn rendition to wrap us in hope as Rick’s childhood friend held out an empty cap for donations. Can you picture it? Tell me, where was the love? Everywhere!

So what was MY love in action in all of this? Well, sometimes it ain’t about ME!

I bared witness. I was present. I took up air space and, in a moment’s flash, became the energy that transcended walls, ceilings, closed doors.

When we gather with pure loving intention, there is power. We are no longer alone with our thoughts, beliefs, rants.

The letting go, the giving in, brings us closer to our humanity that’s actively seeking purpose.

“Love IS a verb.”



© Lana Skauge

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