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Le Roi Daniels School, spellbound!

545 sparkling faces greeted us at Le Roi Daniels School today spellbound from start to finish! All dressed in Christmas colours (including the teachers) I looked out onto splashes of red and green as their energy flowed directly to me!

Thanks to Ms. Cathy Farr-Kokot (music teacher and an old buddy of mine) we were able to catch the enthusiasm with a few pictures. Their impressive participation was sustained to the very end. “Must be restored!” they called out emphatically! I could feel tears welling up in my eyes! They got it! They understood the message. Old things have value. We must cherish them.

At our talk afterward, children listened to each other thoughtfully. Some bravely stood in front of their peers asking intelligent questions or commenting on how they felt about the story. I am talking K to 3, people!!!

“Was that story real, Lana?” many asked me in the hallway. I reassured them that it was from my imagination. That took a moment for them to figure out.

About five years ago I had the chance to do an Artist in Residency at this school. Those students are long gone but the pervading spirit of thanksgiving and genuine kindness permeated every corner of the building. Hats off to Mrs. Andrea Taylor, the principal, for having a joy-filled community intrigued by story and happily willing to say so! The never-ending hugs from staff and students was a topper to my day.

Now why am I tearing up? Well, because when the work leads you to that kind of acceptance you need to take a moment and feel its glow!

“Keep doing this,” called out one of the teachers as he left for the day.

You bet I will!

Thank you Le Roi Daniels School!!!


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